Archive for July, 2005


Water Ripple Simulation

Here is a simple water ripple simulation showing single slit wave diffraction. The following Mathematica code solves the wave equation with damping using the finite difference method. You can read more about this algorithm on Hugo Elias’ website. (Note: technically this simulation should use Neumann boundary conditions but I decided it was simplier to demonstrate using Dirichlet boundary conditions).

(* runtime: 18 seconds, c is the wave speed and b is a damping factor *) n = 64; c = 1; b = 5; dx = 1.0/(n - 1); Courant = Sqrt[2.0]/2;dt = Courant dx/c; z1 = z2 = Table[0.0, {n}, {n}]; Do[{z1, z2} = {z2, z1}; z1[[n/2, n/4]] = Sin[16Pi t]; Do[If[0.45 < i/n < 0.55 || ! (0.48 < j/n < 0.52), z2[[i, j]] = (2(1 - 2Courant^2)z1[[i, j]] + Courant^2(z1[[i - 1, j]] + z1[[i + 1, j]] + z1[[i, j - 1]] + z1[[i, j + 1]]))/(1 + b dt) - z2[[i, j]]], {i, 2, n - 1}, {j, 2, n - 1}]; ListPlot3D[z1, Mesh -> False, PlotRange -> {-1, 1}], {t, 0, 1, dt}];



Raindrop Light Dispersion

When light enters near the side of a raindrop, much of the light is internally reflected. This is how rainbows are formed. You can also see this animation on Jeff Bryant’s Mathematica visualization site.

(* runtime: 12 seconds *)
Spectrum = {{380, {0, 0, 0}}, {420, {1/3, 0, 1}}, {440, {0, 0, 1}}, {490, {0, 1, 1}}, {510, {0, 1,0}}, {580, {1, 1, 0}}, {645, {1, 0, 0}}, {700, {1, 0, 0}}, {780, {0, 0, 0}}};
Snell[theta_, n1_, n2_] := ArcSin[Min[1, Max[-1, Sin[theta]n1/n2]]];
FresnelR[t1_, t2_, n1_, n2_] := (((n1 Cos[t2] - n2 Cos[t1])/(n1 Cos[t2] + n2 Cos[t1]))^2 + ((n1 Cos[t1] - n2 Cos[t2])/(n1 Cos[t1] + n2 Cos[t2]))^2)/2;
Angle[{x1_, y1_}, {x2_, y2_}] := ArcTan[x2 - x1, y2 - y1];
IntersCircle[{x_, y_}, theta_, {x0_,y0_}, r_] := Module[{t1 = Tan[theta], t2, a, b, x2}, t2 = ((x -x0) t1 - (y - y0))/r; a = t1^2 + 1; b = -2t1 t2; x2 = x0 + r(-b + If[Cos[theta] > 0, 1, -1]Sqrt[b^2 - 4a (t2^2 - 1)])/(2a); {x2, y + (x2 - x)t1}];
AddLine[{x1_, y1_}, {x2_, y2_}, color_] := Do[image[[Round[m(s y1 + (1 - s) y2)], Round[m(s x1 + (1 - s)x2)]]] += color, {s, 0,1, 1/(m Sqrt[(x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2])}];
m = 275; image =Table[{0, 0, 0}, {m}, {m}]; x0 = y0 = 0.5; p0 = {x0, y0}; r = 0.25;
Do[n = 1.31Exp[12.4/lambda]; color = Table[Interpolation[Map[{#[[1]], #[[2, i]]} &, Spectrum], InterpolationOrder -> 1][lambda], {i, 1, 3}]; p1 = {x0 - Sqrt[r^2 - (y - y0)^2], y}; t = Angle[p0, p1]; t1 = t + Snell[Pi - t, 1,n] - Pi; While[Max[color] > 0.01, p2 = IntersCircle[p1, t1, p0, r]; AddLine[p1,p2, color]; t = Angle[p0, p2]; t2 =2t - t1 - Pi; t3 = t - Snell[t - t1, n, 1]; R1 = FresnelR[t - t1, t -t3, n, 1]; AddLine[p2, IntersCircle[p2, t3, p0, 0.49], (1 - R1) color]; p1 = p2; t1 = t2; color *= R1], {lambda, 380, 780, 25}, {y, y0 + r - 0.001, y0 + r - 0.0001, 0.0001}];
Show[Graphics[RasterArray[Map[RGBColor @@ Map[Min[1, #] &, #] &, image, {2}]], Epilog -> {{RGBColor[1, 1, 1], Circle[m p0, m r]}}, AspectRatio -> 1]]

Click here to see some POV-Ray code for a similar-looking image using photon mapping.


Apollonian Gasket

Here are four circles inverted about each other. This is kind of similar to a Wada Basin but not exactly. Notice the small Poincaré hyperbolic tilings throughout the picture. Click here to download a Mathematica notebook for this animation. Click here to download some POV-Ray code for this fractal.

(* runtime: 0.3 second *)
chains = {N[Append[Table[{{2E^(I theta), Sqrt[3]}}, {theta, Pi/6, 9Pi/6, 2Pi/3}], {{0, 2 - Sqrt[3]}}]]};
Reflect[{z2_, r2_}, {z1_, r1_}] := Module[{a = r1^2/((z2 -z1)Conjugate[z2 - z1] - r2^2)}, {z1 + a (z2 - z1), a r2}];
Do[chains = Append[chains, Table[Map[Reflect[#, chains[[1, j, 1]]] &, Flatten[Delete[chains[[i]], j], 1]], {j, 1, 4}]], {i, 1, 6}];
Show[Graphics[Table[{GrayLevel[i/7], Map[Disk[{Re[#[[1]]], Im[#[[1]]]}, #[[2]]] &, chains[[i]], {2}]}, {i, 1, 7}], AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}]];



Kleinian Double Spiral

This is a stereographic projection of a Riemann sphere. This can be accomplished by applying a special homography to a single spiral. Click here to see a slightly different animation. Click here to download a Mathematica notebook for this image. See also my Double Cusp Group.
(* runtime: 23 seconds *)
Show[Graphics[RasterArray[Table[r1 = (x - 1)^2 + y^2; r2 = (x + 1)^2 + y^2; Hue[(Sign[y]ArcCos[(x^2 + y^2 - 1)/Sqrt[r1 r2]] -Log[r1/r2])/(2Pi)], {x, -2, 2, 4/274}, {y, -2, 2, 4/274}]], AspectRatio -> 1]]

This is how you can make this in POV-Ray:
// runtime: 2 seconds
camera{orthographic location <0,0,-2> look_at 0 angle 90}
#declare r1=function(x,y) {(x-1)*(x-1)+y*y}; #declare r2=function(x,y) {(x+1)*(x+1)+y*y};
#declare f=function{(y/abs(y)*acos((x*x+y*y-1)/sqrt(r1(x,y)*r2(x,y)))-ln(r1(x,y)/r2(x,y)))/(2*pi)};
plane{z,0 pigment{function{f(x,y,0)}} finish{ambient 1}}



Cloth Simulation

Cloth Simulation : This cloth is modelled as a net of small springs and masses. The following code still needs some improvement:
(* runtime: 2 minutes *)
Normalize[p_] := p/Sqrt[p.p]; r = 0.5; n = 13; dx = 2.0/(n - 1); dt = 0.05; g = {0, 0, -0.2};
cloth = Table[{{x, y, r}, {0, 0, 0}}, {y, -1, 1, dx}, {x, -1, 1, dx}];
Do[Show[Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], Table[Polygon[Map[cloth[[#[[1]], #[[2]], 1]] &, {{i, j}, {i, j + 1}, {i + 1, j + 1}, {i + 1, j}}]], {i, 1, n - 1}, {j, 1,n - 1}]}, PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}]]; Do[cloth = Table[{p1, v1} = cloth[[i, j]]; If[(i == 1 || i == n) && (j == 1 || j == n), {p1, v1},v2 = v1 + g dt; Do[i2 = i + di; j2 = j + dj; If[! (i2 == i && j2 == j) && 0 < i2 <= n && 0 < j2 <= n, L0 = dx Sqrt[(j2 - j)^2 + (i2 - i)^2]; p2 = cloth[[i2, j2, 1]]; L = Sqrt[(p2 - p1).(p2 - p1)]; v2 += (L/L0 - 1)Normalize[p2 - p1]dt], {di, -2, 2}, {dj, -2, 2}]; v2 *= 0.9; {p1 + (v1 + v2) dt/2,v2}], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}], {25}], {10}];



3D Collisions

Here is a box of frictionless bouncy balls with gravity. The balls don’t rotate and never stop bouncing because there is no friction. This simulation uses the same basic code as the pool table simulation.

(* runtime : 52 seconds *)
<< Graphics`Shapes`; g = {0, 0, -9.80665}; xmax = 1;
Normalize[p_] := p/Sqrt[p.p]; Distance[p1_, p2_] := Sqrt[(p2 - p1).(p2 - p1)];
Move[{p_, v_}, t_] := {g t^2/2 + v t + p,g t + v}; Interpolate[t_, x1_, x2_] := (1 - t)x1 + t x2;
Step[dt_] := Module[{balls2 = Table[{pa1, va1} = balls[[i]]; {pa2, va2} = Move[{pa1, va1}, dt]; result = {pa2, va2}; tmin = Infinity; Do[If[j != i, {pb1, vb1} = balls[[j]]; {pb2,
vb2} = Move[{pb1, vb1}, dt]; p1 = pa1 - pb1; p2 = pa2 - pb2; p = p1 - p2; a = p.p; b = -2p1.p;c = p1.p1 - (2r)^2; d = b^2 - 4a c; If[d >= 0, If[a == 0, t = If[b == 0, 1, -c/b], t = (-b + {1, -1}Sqrt[d])/(2a); t = If[0 <= Min[t] <= 1, Min[t], t[[If[0 <= t[[1]] <= 1, 1, 2]]]]]; If[0 <= t <= 1 &&t < tmin, tmin = t; pa = Interpolate[t, pa1, pa2]; pb =Interpolate[t, pb1, pb2]; va = Interpolate[t, va1, va2]; vb = Interpolate[t, vb1, vb2]; normal = Normalize[pa - pb]; va -= (va - vb).normal normal;result = Move[{pa, va}, (1 - t)dt]]]], {j, 1, n}];Do[If[va1[[dim]] != 0, Scan[Module[{t = (#(xmax - r) - pa1[[dim]])/(va1[[dim]]dt)}, If[0 <= t <= 1 && t < tmin, tmin = t;pa = Interpolate[t, pa1, pa2]; va = Interpolate[t, va1, va2]; va[[dim]] = -va[[dim]];result = Move[{pa, va}, (1 - t)dt]]] &, {-1, 1}]], {dim, 1, 3}]; result, {i, 1, n}]},collision = False; Do[pa2 = balls2[[i, 1]]; If[Min[pa2] < -(xmax - r) || Max[pa2] > xmax -r, collision = True]; Do[If[Distance[balls2[[j, 1]], pa2] < 2r, collision = True], {j, i + 1, n}], {i, 1, n}]; If[collision, Do[Step[dt/2], {2}], balls = balls2]];
r = 0.25; n = 20; balls = {}; SeedRandom[0]; Do[start = True; While[start || Or @@ Map[Distance[p, #[[1]]] < 2r &, balls], start = False; p = (xmax - r)Table[2 Random[] - 1, {3}]];balls = Append[balls, {p, {0, 0, 0}}], {n}];
Do[Step[0.05]; Show[Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], Map[TranslateShape[Sphere[r, 10, 6], #[[1]]] &, balls]}, PlotRange -> xmax{{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}]], {50}];

Collision Links


Pool Simulation

Pool Simulation. Here’s a fun one. The very instant when the cue ball breaks a tightly-packed triangle, the inner balls must rapidly bounce around until they spread out.

(* runtime: 2 seconds *)
Normalize[p_] := p/Sqrt[p.p]; Assoc[x_, data_] := Flatten[Select[data, #[[1]] == x &], 1];
r = 1.125; xmax = 50; ymax = 25; n = 16;
balls = Prepend[Flatten[Table[{{xmax/2 + 1.05Sqrt[3]x, 1.05y}, {0, 0}}, {x, 4r, 0, -r}, {y, -x, x, 2r}], 1], {{-xmax/2 - 1.1r, 0}, {100, 0}}];
Step[dt0_] := Module[{dt = dt0, collisions = {}}, Do[{pa1, va} = balls[[i]]; pa2 = va dt0 + pa1; Do[If[j != i, {pb1, vb} = balls[[j]]; pb2 = vb dt0 + pb1; p1 = pa1 - pb1; p2 = pa2 - pb2; p = p1 - p2; a = p.p; b = -2p1.p; c = p1.p1 - (2r)^2; d = b^2 - 4a c; If[d >= 0, t = If[a == 0, If[b == 0, 1, -c/b], Min[(-b + {1, -1}Sqrt[d])/(2a)]]; If[0 <= t dt0 <= dt, pa = (1 - t)pa1 + t pa2; pb = (1 - t)pb1 + t pb2; normal = Normalize[pa - pb]; va -= (va - vb).normal normal; If[t dt0 < dt, dt =t dt0; collisions = {{i, va}}, collisions = Append[collisions, {i, va}]]]]], {j, 1, n}], {i, 1, n}]; balls = Table[{pa1, va1} = balls[[i]]; temp = Assoc[i, collisions]; {va1 dt + pa1, If[temp != {}, temp[[2]], va1]}, {i, 1, n}]; If[dt < dt0, Step[dt0 - dt]]];
Do[Show[Graphics[Map[Disk[#[[1]],r] &, balls], PlotRange -> {{-xmax, xmax}, {-ymax, ymax}}, AspectRatio -> 0.5]]; Step[0.1], {50}];

Link: Billiard Ball Simulation – includes angular momentum, by Jason Stewart

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