Posts Tagged ‘Matlab



Here is another code to solve Euler’s equation (inviscid flow) and plot the pathlines. This method was adapted from Stephen Montgomery-Smith’sEuler2D program. The vortex effects are found using the Biot-Savart law and the differential equations are solved using the Adams Bashforth method. Click here to download some Matlab code for this. Shown below is some Mathematica code:
(* runtime: 19 seconds *)
ToPoint[z_] := {Re[z], Im[z]};dt = 0.01; rcore = 0.1; dz0 = 0; Klist = {1, -1, 1, -1};
zlist = Join[{-1 - 0.5I, -1 + 0.5I, -0.5 - 0.5I, -0.5 + 0.5I}, Flatten[Table[x + I y, {x, -1, 1, 0.1}, {y, -1, 1, 0.1}], 1]];
paths = Map[# Table[1, {10}] &, zlist];
Do[dz = Map[Sum[zj = zlist[[j]]; If[# != zj, r2 = Abs[# - zj]^2; I Klist[[j]](zj - #)/r2 (1 -Exp[-r2/rcore^2]), 0], {j, 1, Length[Klist]}] &, zlist]; zlist += dt (1.5dz - 0.5dz0); dz0 = dz; paths = Table[Prepend[Delete[paths[[i]], -1], zlist[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[zlist]}];Show[Graphics[Map[Line[Map[ToPoint, #]] &, paths], PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, AspectRatio -> Automatic]], {85}];

Link: math paper by Stephen Montgomery-Smith, seems fairly advanced to me


Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshed Sphere

Here is an unstructured tetrahedral meshed sphere.



Finite Element Method (FEM) Solution to Poisson’s equation on Triangular Mesh

Finite Element Method (FEM) Solution to Poisson’s equation on Triangular Mesh
solved in Mathematica 4.2, 5/24/06; mesh generated with Gmsh; old version: Matlab and DistMesh

Here is some code to solve Poisson’s equation on an unstructured grid of triangular elements using the Finite Element Method (FEM):
(* runtime: 0.1 second *)
n = 10; nodes = Flatten[Table[{x, y}, {y, -1, 1, 2.0/(n - 1)}, {x, -1, 1, 2.0/(n - 1)}], 1]; elements = Flatten[Table[{{i, i + 1, i + n}, {i + 1, i + n + 1, i + n}} + (j - 1) n, {j, 1, n - 1}, {i, 1, n - 1}], 2]; nnode = Length[nodes]; nelem = Length[elements];
fixed = Map[Position[nodes, #][[1, 1]] &, Select[nodes, Max[Abs[#]] == 1 &]];
Kglobal = Table[0, {nnode}, {nnode}]; F = phi = Table[0, {nnode}];
Scan[(xy =Join[Transpose[nodes[[#]]], {{1, 1, 1}}];deta = Inverse[xy][[All, {1, 2}]]; Kglobal[[#, #]] +=Det[xy]deta.Transpose[deta]/2; F[[#]] += Det[xy]/6) &, elements];
free = Complement[Range[nnode], fixed]; phi[[free]] = LinearSolve[Kglobal[[free, free]], F[[free]]];
Mean[x_] := Plus @@ x/Length[x]; PlotColor[x_] := Hue[2(1 - x)/3];
Show[Graphics[Table[{PlotColor[Mean[phi[[elements[[i]]]]]/Max[phi]], Polygon[nodes[[elements[[i]]]]]}, {i,1, nelem}], AspectRatio -> 1]];

Here is some code for an interpolated plot:
(* runtime: 10 seconds *)
n = 275; x1 = y1 = -1; x2 = y2 = 1; image = Table[0, {n}, {n}];
xIntersect[{{x1_, y1_}, {x2_, y2_}}] := If[y1 == y2, Infinity, x1 + (y - y1)(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1)];
Scan[(plist = nodes[[#]]; xlist = nodes[[#, 1]]; ylist = nodes[[#, 2]]; p1 = plist[[1]]; {dx2, dy2} = plist[[2]] - p1; {dx3, dy3} = plist[[3]] - p1; Do[y = y1 + (y2 - y1)(i - 1)/(n - 1); {xa, xb,xc} = Map[xIntersect, Partition[Sort[plist, #1[[2]] < #2[[2]] &], 2, 1, 1]]; jlist = Round[n({xc, If[Abs[xb - xc] < Abs[xa - xc], xb, xa]} - x1)/(x2 - x1)]; If[jlist =!= {}, Do[x = x1 + (x2 - x1)(j - 1)/(n - 1); {xi, eta} = ((x - p1[[1]]){dy3, -dy2} + (y - p1[[2]]){-dx3, dx2})/(dx2 dy3 - dx3 dy2); image[[i, j]] = phi[[#]].{1 - xi - eta, xi, eta}, {j, Max[1, Min[jlist]], Min[n, Max[jlist]]}]], {i, Max[1, Round[n(Min[ylist] - y1)/(y2 - y1)]], Min[n, Round[n(Max[ylist] - y1)/(y2 - y1)]]}]) &, elements];
ListDensityPlot[image, Mesh -> False, Frame -> False, ColorFunction -> PlotColor, Epilog -> Map[{Line[Map[({x, y} = nodes[[#, {1, 2}]]; n{(x - x1)/(x2 -x1), (y - y1)/(y2 - y1)}) &, #]]} &, elements]];

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